“We first arrived in Togo in November 2020, working on a small project with local friends. We instantly fell in love with the country, it’s culture and beautiful people. We quickly decided to return and work on bigger and better initiatives.”

Camilla & Trine, Founders

A better future

Togo is one of the least developed countries in the world, a country where half of the population lives below the poverty line.

Political unrest has characterised Togo for many years, and as a consequence not many foreign organisations are to be found in the country.

- But we are here, and we know from experience that the local population is very resourceful. 

The people of Togo know that in order to increase the standard of living, the social infrastructure must be strengthened. To help with this process we have teamed up with local businesses and schools, as well as enthusiastic and skilled individuals, and we work together to create positive change through the concept of local empowerment through traditional culture, humanitarian and craft initiatives. 
