Annual Report for Togo Esome 2023

Introduction The year 2023 has been marked by significant progress and challenges for Togo Esome. Our goal of improving living conditions and promoting education in the most vulnerable communities in Togo has remained central to our work. Throughout the year, we have focused on strengthening our partnerships, implementing projects, and expanding our efforts to reach even more children and families.

Projects and Initiatives

  1. Construction of the Education Center in Tsévié:

    • Objective: To create a safe and functional learning environment for children and youth in the Tsévié area.

    • Progress: We have achieved several milestones in the construction, including the completion of the foundational structure, installation of electricity, and partial wall construction. The work on the roof structure, which is crucial for the building's durability, has been initiated and is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2024.

    • Funding: Through support from our Danish partners and local contributions, we have been able to cover most of the costs so far. However, additional funds are needed to complete the roof structure.

  2. Educational Support and Learning Programs:

    • Objective: To provide children and youth with access to quality education and support their development.

    • Activities: Throughout the year, we have expanded our learning programs to reach more students in the surrounding areas. This has included the establishment of teaching groups, after-school activities, and mentorship programs, which have been met with great enthusiasm from both students and parents.

  3. Health and Hygiene Initiatives:

    • Objective: To improve the health of children and families by providing access to clean water and health education.

    • Activities: We have conducted several campaigns to raise awareness about hygiene and sanitation. Additionally, new water stations and toilets have been installed at several of our educational sites, contributing to improved health conditions among the students.


  1. Financial Constraints:

    • Despite generous donations and support from partners, we have faced financial challenges, particularly in relation to the completion of the education center. Lack of funding has delayed some planned activities, creating a need for further fundraising efforts.

  2. Transition to Local Ownership of Initiatives:

    • A central challenge has been ensuring the sustainability of our projects, particularly in terms of transferring responsibility and leadership to local community members. While progress has been made, there is still a need for capacity building and training to ensure long-term success.

Partnerships and Collaboration

  1. Strengthening Local Partnerships:

    • Throughout the year, we have focused on strengthening our relationships with local authorities, schools, and health facilities. These partnerships have been crucial for the effective implementation of our activities and for ensuring local ownership.

  2. International Collaboration:

    • Our collaboration with international organizations, including the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), has been a valuable resource in accessing expertise and funding, which has strengthened our efforts in education and health.

Future Outlook

  1. Focus on Sustainability:

    • We plan to intensify our efforts to ensure sustainability in all our projects. This includes training local leaders, developing income-generating activities, and further developing partnerships.

  2. Expansion of the Education Center:

    • Once the roof structure is completed, we will focus on expanding the educational facilities to provide even more children with access to quality education. We hope to attract additional funding for this purpose.

Conclusion 2023 has been a year of both challenges and progress for Togo Esome. We have achieved much, but there is still much to do. We are grateful for all the support we have received and look forward to continuing our work to create lasting change for children and youth in Togo in the coming years. With joint efforts and continued commitment, we will achieve our goal of improving the quality of life and promoting development in the most vulnerable communities.

We look forward to 2024 with renewed energy and hope for continued support from our partners, donors, and all who share our vision for a better Togo.