Togo Travel Diary - July 2024

Thursday, July 18th - Day 9:

Morning Discussions with Idrissou Akibou, Guardian of Togo’s Gates:

The morning began with a chat involving Anani, who translated from Danish to French. Surprisingly, Idrissou revealed his fluency in English, leading to a more informal and friendly discussion.

Topics of Conversation:

Prison Overcrowding: Idrissou described the increasing crime in Togo and the resulting rise in prison population.

Prison Expansion Plans: Discussion of plans for a new, larger central prison designed to better accommodate the growing number of inmates.

Unique Project Aspects: Our project’s unique approach integrates education and craftsmanship into penal reform.

Potential for Expansion: Idrissou was optimistic about expanding our initiatives, depending on our success in Vogan.

Artisan Inmates: Recognition of inmates’ craftsmanship, with their work being essential to the project’s success.

Idrissou agreed to help manage the overcrowded workshop conditions and promised to assist in maintaining our project space.

Hygiene and Healthcare Initiatives: I proposed improving living conditions within the prison, seeking partnerships for health and well-being, to which Idrissou showed cautious support.

Mosaic Wall Proposal: I shared plans for a mosaic wall symbolizing transformation, which Idrissou conditionally approved, pending a preview.

The conversation concluded with promises of support and future collaboration.

Afternoon Session with Elias, the Artist:

I met with Elias, who proposed using reclaimed tiles for the mosaic wall, enhancing the project with artistic creativity.

Financial Plan:

  • Initial Payment: Half upfront to begin the project.

  • Mid-Project Payment: A quarter upon reaching the halfway point.

  • Final Payment: The remaining quarter upon completion.

This payment structure aims to efficiently manage project funds and maintain motivation.

Next Steps:

Tomorrow, I plan to visit Lomé’s market with Elias to select tiles for the mosaic.

In the evening, I integrated the children’s drawings into the mosaic design, preparing to finalize the color palette soon.

Looking Ahead:

Tomorrow: Finalize the mosaic’s design and formalize our artistic collaboration.

Saturday: Begin the mosaic at Vogan and ensure alignment with other ongoing crafts projects.

As the day closed, I reflected on the fruitful exchanges and the potential impact of our collaborative efforts.