Togo Travel Diary

July 2024 Tuesday, July 16th - Day 7:

After a restless night filled with anticipation, the morning sunshine brings a hopeful message from Merkur—confirmation that the funds for the mosaic project are on their way! While my days have been packed with looms, roofs, and the rhythm of prison life, today is earmarked for tackling the intricacies of banking and the artful construction of the wall.

I reach out to Gilles, who informs me that Bernard won't be able to assist with the banking saga. He suggests we make a personal visit to expedite our case. Reluctantly, I agree, knowing the roof must remain our top priority and the mosaic must wait just one more day.

With hopeful strides, I set up a meeting with Blaise Deco for tomorrow and secure a promise from a local lady to host a vibrant children’s workshop—creativity awaits!

Anani, ever the trickster, has given me a run for my patience today. He's ventured off to Agbrodafo, mobile-less and out of reach, leaving me to rely on Amourin's assistance. Together, we brave a moto ride with Anani's belongings, chasing after him in a taxi to Lome. On arrival, Anani reconnects, assuring us that our banking contact is ready and waiting. We burst into the bank, hearts full of hope.

The bank manager, a delightfully friendly soul, dubs me 'Abla'—meaning 'Tuesday'—and his colleague, more proficient in English, navigates us through a sea of paperwork. Meanwhile, Anani sulks in the corner, feeling sidelined. But soon, they green-light our transaction, and we wait with bated breath at the counter until the funds are securely in our hands. Anani, feigning a vagabond, dozes off, and I nudge him awake in time to celebrate our financial triumph.

Flush with success, we rendezvous with Dodzi at a nearby hotel, where the mood is jubilant. We fine-tune dates and print contracts. Dodzi even organizes an impromptu photo shoot of our proceedings, bringing a touch of glamour to our day. He vows to order materials first thing tomorrow and kickstart the physical labor in the workshop by Thursday.

As dusk approaches, I meander through Aneho, encountering the friendly policeman who once collaborated with Blaise. He offers a spontaneous tour around the town, and together, we confirm the time for tomorrow’s crucial meeting.

The day winds down with a message from Nathalie, the vision-impaired weaver, expressing her dreams of Denmark—a future I’ve had to gently decline. Her words hint at unsupportive currents within our project, a concern I resolve to discuss with Anani soon.

Loneliness creeps in as I end the day solo at the hotel, missing the comforting presence of my team. Angele has departed for Europe, and Nick delays his return, awaiting medical results. Tonight, I long for familiar faces and the warmth of shared laughter.

Tomorrow’s agenda sparkles with promise:

  • Children's workshop at 9 AM.

  • Strategy meeting with Blaise Deco at 4 PM.

  • Diving deep into the mosaic design.

Despite the solitude, today's victories fuel my spirit, weaving a tapestry of hope and determination as I prepare to infuse tomorrow with creativity and collaboration.