Our next Mission-Growing cotton.

Our friend and partner from Inana Textile, has in Febuary 2024 had the opputunity to visit the local cotton industry in Burkina Faso, to gather inspiration, for one of our future missions in Togo Esome; To restore the cotton Industry in Togo. Our mission is to optimize our kente weaving workshops in Vogan and Aneho, by in time, producing our own cotton to make the Kente from the best local grown materiale, as it deserves .

Our next Mission-Growing cotton- Notse.

At Christmas time in 2021 Gilles and Camilla went on a journey to the middle of Togo called Notse, here they made contact with some local people, that actually grows cotton, BUT they sell it of to “staw men” for a humble price and they again resell it to a bigger eksport company, that eksport and sells it of in China. As a consequence of this, the knowledge of the old way of processing the cotton flower into cotton thread has disappeared in Togo.

our next Mission-Growing cotton- cotton woman of Kante.

Lucky as they were Camilla and Gilles actually stumbled on to a small village in the very north close to the Burkina border, were the saw some elderly woman still practicing the old way of spinning cotton fibers into yarn or thread.

- This knowledge, of being able to produce and use local resurses, is a step we need to take, to fulfill our Vision-
