Beauty and meaning

The MOSAIC project was successfully completed in August 2024, in less than four weeks, thanks to the dedicated efforts of our team. Trine, a key member of our association, collaborated closely with local artist T-bag and skilled workers from Vogan. Together, they transformed the educational center's exterior into a vibrant mosaic masterpiece, bringing the vision of this artistic and cultural exchange to life. The project's swift and successful completion is a testament to the strong teamwork and commitment of everyone involved.

T-Bag local artist

Local artist T-Bag in front of the mosaic wall


We envision adorning the exterior facade of the educational center with an expansive 255 m2 mosaic masterpiece. This collaborative artistic endeavor will unfold with the joyful participation of both Danish and Togolese schoolchildren, alongside our enthusiastic local partners.

Embracing the profound theme of freedom, the interplay between the imaginative minds of Danish and Togolese children will be a captivating journey. Over six dynamic and culturally rich workshops, these young artists will sketch lively figures that will metamorphose into intricate mosaic patterns. The medium of choice? Recycled glass and tiles, each fragment imbued with a story of renewal and sustainability.

But MOSAIC is not just about creating a visual spectacle; it's a cultural exchange, a dialogue between worlds. Beyond the mosaic, the children from these diverse backgrounds will weave connections through the magic of video storytelling and the timeless art of letter writing. These narratives, shared across borders, will become bridges that transcend geography, fostering understanding and unity.

As the mosaic takes shape, it becomes a living canvas that echoes the voices of the young artists, echoing their dreams, hopes, and visions of freedom. The educational center's outer wall transforms into a vibrant testament to creativity, collaboration, and the universal language of art.

MOSAIC goes beyond traditional rehabilitation; it's a celebration of diversity, a symphony of colors and stories interwoven to create a masterpiece that not only decorates the physical space but also leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of all involved. Through this kaleidoscopic journey, we paint a brighter, more connected world, one mosaic tile at a time."

project description