Our macramé bags are designed and handmade in collaboration with inmates in Vogan Prison.

Producing each bag requires the efforts of two prisoners working for one week.

Macramé bags.

For the price we pay:

  • 1/3 goes to the prison administration

  • 1/3 the inmate gets paid as a sallary

  • 1/3 goes to a saving which get paid out on release

All profits go back into supporting our projects. So far, the sales have helped us make significant progress in raising finances towards building our new education and craft workshop by Vogan Prison.



The interests in our Macramè bags has been fantastic. However, getting the bags from Togo to Europe is a major challenge that we hope to overcome in the near future, in order to keep up with the demands and giving everyone the opportunity to own one of these colourful wonders with a unique story.

This is an important way for us to financially sustain our projects and make a positive impact on the lives of the inmates involved.

What people are saying.

  • “This is the most amazing project I have stumbled up on for a long time and you seriously give every Danish crown to the inmates, that's unbelievable”

    — anonymous

  • “I recently bought one of the macramé bags from Togo Esomé, and I'm really impressed by the quality and the unique story. It's great to know that these bags are handmade by inmates in prison, and the profits go towards their rehabilitation efforts. It's more than just a stylish accessory; it's a meaningful purchase that supports a worthy cause. I'm glad to be a part of Togo Esomé's project and contribute to their mission. Highly recommended!”

    — Mary 29, Ghana

  • “This project is unbelievable, but what could make it even more perfect , would be making the bags out of recycled plastic”

    — Peter 21, Denmark